Wisbech 2020 debate
15th November 2017
With plans for a massive housing development in Wisbech, concerns have been expressed about what increases there will be in the town's infrastructure to meet growing demands for GP surgeries, shops and schools.
For the Wisbech Interfaith Forum, of course, there was also a concern about what provision there would be for increased numbers of those of faith moving into the area.
Currently there is no provision at all for those of non-Christian faiths, and the expansion is likely to bring into the town more people of increasingly diverse backgrounds.

Members of the Forum feel that there is an opportunity to make Wisbech a more welcoming and inclusive place to live in by planning proactively for this cultural change. On the other hand, if the issue is not addressed, there is a risk of increased social tensions in the future.
The forum invited three speakers to debate the plans and the question of what provision should be be made for those of faith.

Rev. Matthew Bradbury
(Church of England)

Rev. Kevin Newton

Capt. Paul Cooper
(Salvation Army)