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2105 Interfaith Week


The Wisbech Interfaith Forum organised a number of events for Interfaith Week 2015 at the United Reformed Church in Wisbech.


During the day Devinder Kaur Suali gave a talk on Sikhism and then she and her husband and students sang and played some Sikh music. A video of one of the songs appears here.


There are also photos of the pupils from the Thomas Clarkson Academy who came to Devinder's talk.



Bharat Khetani also gave a talk to the pupils on the nature of Hinduism, and there was a small exhibition about different faiths loaned to the Forum by the Greater Peterborough Inter-Faith Council


Sikh music

20th November 2015

Sikh music sung by Devinder Kaur Suali,

and played by Satwinder Singh Suali and students



In the evening, there was short concert before the speaker, Susan Bayliss, talked about the Theosophical Society.


Islamic art


Finally there was an exhibition of Islamic art, loaned to the Forum by the Husaini Islamic Centre in Peterborough.


William Alderson had arranged a display to go with this, showing how the â€‹Muslim craftsmen who had cut the punches for the early printing types influenced European printing designs which are still in use today.


All material on this website is copyright © 2018 by Wisbech Interfaith Forum, unless stated otherwise.

Website created by William Alderson with

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